Tantra for women
Tantra Basic Training
Basic – Basic Training is a deeply transformative journey that will give you a deep understanding of your wholeness as a woman.
It bears the name of the goddess Tara, meaning “Awakened Femininity”. It consists of three modules of five days each, which can be attended randomly so that you can start following your inner voice with: RED TARA, WHITE TARA or GREEN TARA.
Basic training is available in two different formats that you can choose from: 3 modules of 5 days or 6 weekends of 3 days
Module I · Red Tara · 5 days
Module II · White Tara · 5 days
Module III · Green Tara · 5 days
Tantra for women
Advanced Tantra Training
This second part of the TANTRA ON training is for those women who have completed the basic training (red, white and green tara) and want to dive deeper into this work.
ADVANCED TRAINING modules may be combined at random.
Module I · Black Tara · The Integrated Woman
Module 2 · Purple Tara · Beyond Femininity
Module 3 · Inner Mastery
Тантра за жени
Даровете на тантра
Eмоционално лечение
Нов поглед към това, коя съм аз
По-дълбока отдаденост във връзката
Завръщане към автентичната ни женска сексуалност
Нов начин за преживяване на повече наслада с вашия партньор